Category: Articles

What do online users want from HIV/STI risk calculators?

Risk calculators for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) use answers to a set of sociodemographic characteristics (e.g., age, sex, ethnicity, geographic location), health status, or behavioural questions to estimate a person’s risk for developing or acquiring HIV and STIs. They can also indicate the most appropriate action for users to take.

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Four questions with the Manitoba HIV/STBBI Collective Impact Network

The Manitoba HIV/STBBI Collective Impact Network is an initiative to eliminate sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) as a public health threat through collective and collaborative action. The network is hosted by Nine Circles Community Health Centre in Winnipeg. Mike Payne and Laurie Ringaert, the strategic facilitators for the Network, answered a few questions from CATIE about how the Network is addressing STBBIs in the province.

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Transitioning from incarceration to the community: Reducing risks and improving lives of people who use substances

To help incarcerated people who use substances successfully integrate back into their communities, Direction 180 started the Peers Assisting and Lending Support (PALS) program in January 2019 through harm reduction funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada.  Direction 180 is a community-based organization that offers an opioid treatment program in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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Autodépistage du VIH : perturbation superflue ou démocratisation égalisatrice

Je me sens parfois comme une historienne quand je pense à tous les congrès et réunions, sur le thème de l’autodépistage du VIH, auxquels j’ai assisté depuis une décennie aussi bien à l’échelle internationale, nationale que régionale. J’y ai constaté des types de comportement, des accords et désaccords, tant dans les pensées, discours et actions qui me laissent stupéfaite. D’ailleurs, je me demande bien pourquoi nous, les humains, ne parvenons pas à agir pour le bien de nos semblables dans le besoin — c’est-à-dire pour le bien des populations qui pour se faire entendre dépendent de nous pour bénéficier des produits et services dont ils ont tout à fait droit.

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Sites satellites — Réduction des méfaits offerte à partir du domicile de consommateurs de drogues

The term “satellite sites” is used to refer to informal harm reduction hubs operating out of the homes of people who use drugs. Operating in Toronto for more than 20 years, these sites offer access to sterile drug use supplies outside of more formal settings like health centres. Although many satellite sites offer much more than this – including naloxone and overdose response training, needle disposal and referrals to healthcare services. Satellite programs emerged from the recognition that people who use drugs were already doing this work within their communities, operating informally to meet harm reduction needs and respond to a range of other health needs.

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