Author: CATIE

Gendering the Scene: We need to listen to women and gender-diverse people who use drugs

Over the past several years, Canada has been in the grip of an overdose crisis. We have seen the devastating effects both of a contaminated drug supply and of punitive laws that restrict access of people who use drugs to effective treatment and support. Now we are facing the twin crisis of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which has radically altered the way we interact with one another and affected the drug supply chain.

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Parler VIH pendant la COVID-19 : Comment le guide Un remède puissant peut vous aider à structurer vos conversations

Vous souhaitez organiser une conversation sur le VIH dans votre communauté ou votre organisme? Vous cherchez des conseils sur la manière de procéder? Ne cherchez plus : le guide Un remède puissant vient d’être publié, pour accompagner le film Un remède puissant qui a été lancé en 2018.

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Harm reduction during a pandemic

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has proven to be a struggle for everyone, regardless of their lifestyle, but people who use drugs are finding it especially difficult to navigate these unprecedented waters. Whether they’re currently using, en route to recovery, or in active recovery, this virus has and will continue to challenge these individuals.

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