Category: Nouvelles

Modèle directeur pour guider les efforts d’élimination de l’hépatite C au Canada : Une approche basée sur les populations prioritaires et l’équité en matière de santé – Première partie

Introduction du Dr Jordan Feld, University Health Network Près de 250 000 Canadiens vivent avec l’hépatite C (VHC), et pourtant 45 % de ces cas ne sont pas diagnostiqués et demeurent à risque de complications liées à des lésions hépatiques à long terme telles que le cancer du foie. L’hépatite C cause plus d’années de vie perdues que toute autre maladie infectieuse au Canada. Heureusement, grâce à l’arrivée de traitements dotés d’un bon profil d’innocuité qui amènent la guérison chez plus de 95 % des personnes, associés à des méthodes diagnostiques simples et des stratégies efficaces de prévention, nous disposons désormais des outils requis...

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Can Halifax open Atlantic Canada’s first legal overdose prevention site? Yes, we can!

This blog post is a follow-up from an earlier post published on July 11, 2019. As I work on a new funding proposal, this statement strikes me: over 11,500 people in Canada have lost their lives as a result of opioid-related overdoses between January 2016 and December 2018 and we keep losing people every day. So many lives lost! And why is that? The evidence is clear that overdose prevention sites save lives! After I returned from a hands-on training in the Downtown East Side of Vancouver, one of the hardest hit places in the overdose crisis, it became even...

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Getting to zero? HIV criminalization and treatment adherence surveillance

At the same time that federal Justice Minister, David Lametti—at a national symposium on HIV criminalization in Toronto organized by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network—was announcing his Liberal Party platform for a new HIV law should they get re-elected this fall, David Bennett Hynd was being arrested and held in custody by police in Vancouver.

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L’élimination de l’hépatite C au Canada : Cinq approches pour sa mise en œuvre

Le Canada figure parmi 194 pays ayant signé la Stratégie mondiale du secteur de la santé contre l’hépatite virale de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), s’engageant ainsi à éliminer d’ici 2030 l’hépatite C comme menace pour la santé publique. La grande disponibilité d’un remède à la portée de tous les Canadiens ainsi que de nouveaux outils pour prévenir et diagnostiquer l’hépatite C signifient que l’élimination est maintenant possible pour la première fois.

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Working to end the criminalization of HIV in Canada

On June 14, I travelled to Toronto to meet with leading activists, researchers and experts working to end the criminalization of HIV in Canada for the 8th Symposium on HIV, Law and Human Rights. Organized by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, the annual forum for the past few years has focused solely on advocacy to end Canada’s position as a global leader in the criminalization of people living with HIV for alleged non-disclosure, exposure and transmission.

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In the eyes of Indigenous people: The link between colonialism and hepatitis C, and the need for historic trauma-informed care

Why do First Nations, Métis and Inuit in Canada carry such an unfair burden of hepatitis C in Canada? It is estimated that hepatitis C among Indigenous people is five-times higher than non-Indigenous Canadians. In particular, Indigenous women represent almost half of all hepatitis C cases in their communities, a much higher proportion than among the non-Indigenous Canadian population. Young Indigenous people (24 years and under) represent 70% to 80% of hepatitis C infections among people who inject drugs in Canada.

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