Author: CATIE

Arrivons-nous à la fin du développement de médicaments contre le VHC?

Au cours des sept dernières années, nous avons assisté à une mise au point étourdissante de médicaments contre le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC). Chaque nouveau traitement s’est généralement révélé plus efficace que le précédent. Les plus récents traitements approuvés pour le VHC au Canada cette semaine incluent Maviret (fabriquée par AbbVie) et Vosevi (fabriqué par Gilead). Lors des essais cliniques, ces traitements offerts sous forme de comprimé ont donné lieu à des taux élevés de guérison (habituellement supérieurs à 95 pour cent) et ont causé peu d’effets secondaires graves. Même s’il s’écoulera encore six mois ou plus avant que ces...

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World Hepatitis Day: Finally something to celebrate?

Every year on July 28, we mark World Hepatitis Day with an event to educate, gather together, and also remember those we have lost from the hepatitis C community. This year, we should have much to celebrate: in early 2017, medications that had previously been unavailable were finally added to some formularies, including Ontario’s. This  means that people with certain types of hepatitis C who have been waiting years to access safe, effective medication will finally be able to start treatment and be cured. For many, being cured means avoiding potentially fatal outcomes like liver failure and liver cancer. It...

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Hepatitis C cascade of care: An essential tool for monitoring progress towards HCV elimination

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major public health problem. Worldwide, about 70 million people are living with hepatitis C virus infection, with a higher prevalence in developing countries. In Canada, 210,753 to 461,517 people are infected with HCV, and an estimated 20 to 40 per cent of infections remain undiagnosed. Those born during the period of 1945 until 1965 have the highest rates of infection and, having acquired the virus decades ago, are now increasingly being diagnosed with serious liver-related illnesses, including liver failure and liver cancer and non-liver related illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and kidney...

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6 things you can do to show solidarity with people who use drugs and help end the opioid crisis

By Zoë Dodd & Alexander McClelland At the opening of the recent 25th Harm Reduction International Conference in Montreal, the Minister of Health Jane Philpott announced that more people have died in the overdose epidemic in the past few years than died during the height of the AIDS crisis in the late 80s and early 90s. In 2016, it is estimated that 2,300 people died of overdose—preventable deaths caused by the prohibition of drugs. In response to that sobering and sad announcement, we wrote an article asking for people engaged in the response to HIV to show support and solidarity...

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Conversations That Matter – Sex Workers and PrEP at CAHR 2017

The possible unintended consequences of the introduction of PrEP to the sex industry is something that has been discussed in international sex work advocacy since at least 2012. So, when I saw that new PrEP prescription guidelines for Canada were being drafted, stating that “sex-trade workers” were a “significant risk of having transmissible HIV,” I was troubled that there had been no community consultation whatsoever. National guidelines required a national convening.

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Honte au Canada : Le Groupe d’étude canadien fait fi des conseils d’experts dans ses nouvelles lignes directrices sur le dépistage de l’hépatite C

Le Groupe d’étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs (GECSSP) a publié lundi ses Lignes directrices sur le dépistage du VHC dans le Journal de l’Association médicale canadienne (résumé disponible en français). À la consternation des experts partout au Canada, y compris des spécialistes de l’hépatite C, des groupes de défense des droits et d’autres intervenants, les nouvelles recommandations sur le dépistage ignorent les conseils d’experts en ce qui concerne le choix des candidats au dépistage de l’hépatite C, ce qui établit un précédent dangereux pour les politiques de santé publique, où les dollars ont préséance sur la santé...

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