Tag: Traitement du VIH

HIV and life insurance: A welcome change but questions remain

Historically, people living with HIV in Canada have been excluded from access to life insurance. In recent years, however, both Manulife and Sun Life have started accepting applications from people living with HIV, now that HIV is widely recognized as a manageable chronic illness. Nevertheless, this significant change in policy is not well-known within the HIV sector. How can we change that and how can we facilitate access to life insurance for people living with HIV? With these two questions in mind, we at Realize and the Canadian Positive People Network (CPPN) surveyed our members and the insurance sector to...

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PositiveLite.com: It’s gone, so what next?

It’s not  surprising that PositiveLite.com —what we called Canada’s online HIV magazine but it was, I’d argue, so much more —came to an end on March 31. It had been going for nine years. It was a unique model run by people living with HV for people living with HIV. Most people thought we had big offices; in fact, we operated out of our own homes. We were independent in all senses of the word.

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Autochtoniser la recherche : la conférence Pratiques sages

L’an dernier, le rassemblement annuel du Réseau canadien autochtone du sida (RCAS) avait pour thème « Transformer les approches holistiques en santé autochtone ». Ce rassemblement de personnes des Premières Nations, Métis et Inuit combine une réunion d’affaires, une rencontre de personnes autochtones vivant avec le VIH et la conférence « Pratiques sages » sur la recherche. Mais surtout, c’est un rassemblement de collègues qui sont devenus des amis, de clients qui sont devenus des pairs, de personnes vivant avec le VIH qui sont devenues des leaders communautaires, et de membres d’une grande famille. Des Aînés y accueillent les participants sur leurs terres ancestrales...

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Inclusion et respect – Apprécier le rôle que jouent les personnes vivant avec le VIH auprès des partenaires de recherche

Les partenariats que nous, personnes vivant avec le VIH, avons forgés avec les chercheurs sont un pilier qui a favorisé l’essor de la riposte au VIH. L’heure est venue de réitérer les principes de l’inclusion et du respect et de s’y réengager, dans la tenue des recherches qui touchent nos vies et la présentation de leurs résultats.

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A step toward ending unjust HIV criminalization, with more to be done in 2018

For people living with HIV and their allies, 2017 was a ground-breaking year. It culminated with both the federal and Ontario governments publicly recognizing the need to limit the over-criminalization of HIV in Canada. On World AIDS Day 2017, both acknowledged that criminal prosecution for alleged HIV non-disclosure is not warranted when a person living with HIV has a “suppressed viral load” (i.e., less than 200 copies of HIV/ml of blood) because such an individual poses no “realistic possibility” of transmitting the virus—the Supreme Court’s legal test for whether a duty to disclose exists.

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HIV and mental health: The elephant in the room

In his famous poem “The Blind Men and the Elephant”, John Godfrey Saxe retells an Indian parable about three blind men who went to see an elephant. Of course, being blind, they could only ‘see’ the elephant by touching it. When asked to describe the elephant, one grabbed it by its trunk and said, “An elephant is like a snake!” The second man took his turn to touch it, pulled it by the leg, and confidently determined, “No, an elephant is like a tree trunk!” The third and final person to touch the elephant grabbed it by its tusks and...

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