Tag: Transmission du VIH

Getting to zero? HIV criminalization and treatment adherence surveillance

At the same time that federal Justice Minister, David Lametti—at a national symposium on HIV criminalization in Toronto organized by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network—was announcing his Liberal Party platform for a new HIV law should they get re-elected this fall, David Bennett Hynd was being arrested and held in custody by police in Vancouver.

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Working to end the criminalization of HIV in Canada

On June 14, I travelled to Toronto to meet with leading activists, researchers and experts working to end the criminalization of HIV in Canada for the 8th Symposium on HIV, Law and Human Rights. Organized by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, the annual forum for the past few years has focused solely on advocacy to end Canada’s position as a global leader in the criminalization of people living with HIV for alleged non-disclosure, exposure and transmission.

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HIV criminalization and the newly launched expert consensus statement: Bringing science to justice

One of the highlights of last month’s 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam (AIDS 2018) was the release of the “Expert consensus statement on the science of HIV in the context of criminal law”. In this statement, 20 eminent world scientists — including two leading Canadian researchers — provided their conclusive opinion on the low-to-no possibility of a person living with HIV transmitting the virus in various situations, including via sexual acts. Published in the peer-reviewed Journal of the International AIDS Society, the statement describes the current evidence on HIV transmission, treatment effectiveness and forensics so that HIV-related science may...

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Tirer des leçons de la situation d’urgence créée par le VIH en Saskatchewan

Depuis 2009, la Saskatchewan figure en tête des provinces canadiennes ayant le taux le plus élevé de nouvelles infections au VIH et la plus importante proportion de personnes vivant avec le VIH. L’épidémie de VIH dans cette province est unique par rapport aux autres juridictions du Canada, car plus des trois quarts de nos nouvelles infections surviennent chez les personnes qui utilisent des drogues injectables (la moyenne canadienne se situe sous la barre des 14 %).

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