Tag: Harm reduction

The elimination of viral hepatitis in Canada: Where are we now and where can we go?

At the last Canadian Liver Meeting in 2020, there was a palpable sense of optimism about the prospect of eliminating hepatitis C in Canada. Researchers, service providers and community members launched a blueprint outlining our collective goals and possible strategies, and we shared evidence from research and practice to guide policy and programs. Then the COVID-19 pandemic happened. It had an enormous impact on our sector, with services scaled back, researchers and clinicians shifted to the COVID-19 response, and the communities most affected by hepatitis C also facing increased risks from COVID-19 and a growing overdose crisis.

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COVID-19, curfews and the overdose crisis: A Quebec perspective

To better understand the issues and priorities of people who use drugs in Quebec during the COVID-19 pandemic and the overdose crisis, CATIE conducted a short interview with Frankie Lambert and Chantal Montmorency, two staff members of the Quebec association to promote the health of people who use drugs (AQPSUD). Here are the concerns raised by their community.

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Embracing next practices: Innovation during times of uncertainty

The emergence of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has disrupted the way we live and work. As evidence has continued to grow and evolve over the past 11 months, we have witnessed how quickly key messages and measures to reduce the transmission of the virus causing COVID-19 have changed. We have also seen how health and community services have adapted in the face of new challenges and many unknowns. This work to adapt in the face of so much disruption and uncertainty is challenging and a muscle that we are collectively using.

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What topics in the CATIE Blog were top of mind in 2020?

The year 2020 will leave an indelible mark on our collective consciousness: across the world, people are confronted with the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and it seems to have consumed our lives. For many of us, not a day goes by that we don’t think about the virus, how it has altered our daily activities and what we need to do for our communities to remain healthy. Since the virus hit Canada in March 2020, service providers from across the country have mobilized to keep their clients safe and provide them the care and services they need to prevent, test...

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Transitioning from incarceration to the community: Reducing risks and improving lives of people who use substances

To help incarcerated people who use substances successfully integrate back into their communities, Direction 180 started the Peers Assisting and Lending Support (PALS) program in January 2019 through harm reduction funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada.  Direction 180 is a community-based organization that offers an opioid treatment program in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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Satellite Sites: Providing harm reduction from the homes of people who use drugs

The term “satellite sites” is used to refer to informal harm reduction hubs operating out of the homes of people who use drugs. Operating in Toronto for more than 20 years, these sites offer access to sterile drug use supplies outside of more formal settings like health centres. Although many satellite sites offer much more than this – including naloxone and overdose response training, needle disposal and referrals to healthcare services. Satellite programs emerged from the recognition that people who use drugs were already doing this work within their communities, operating informally to meet harm reduction needs and respond to a range of other health needs.

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