Tag: Prévention de l’hépatite C

World Hepatitis Day: Finally something to celebrate?

Every year on July 28, we mark World Hepatitis Day with an event to educate, gather together, and also remember those we have lost from the hepatitis C community. This year, we should have much to celebrate: in early 2017, medications that had previously been unavailable were finally added to some formularies, including Ontario’s. This  means that people with certain types of hepatitis C who have been waiting years to access safe, effective medication will finally be able to start treatment and be cured. For many, being cured means avoiding potentially fatal outcomes like liver failure and liver cancer. It...

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Hepatitis C cascade of care: An essential tool for monitoring progress towards HCV elimination

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major public health problem. Worldwide, about 70 million people are living with hepatitis C virus infection, with a higher prevalence in developing countries. In Canada, 210,753 to 461,517 people are infected with HCV, and an estimated 20 to 40 per cent of infections remain undiagnosed. Those born during the period of 1945 until 1965 have the highest rates of infection and, having acquired the virus decades ago, are now increasingly being diagnosed with serious liver-related illnesses, including liver failure and liver cancer and non-liver related illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and kidney...

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Les prix dictent-ils les politiques relatives aux médicaments contre l’hépatite C?

Plus tôt cette année, la Colombie-Britannique, l’Alberta, la Saskatchewan, le Québec et l’Ontario ont annoncé un assouplissement des critères d’admissibilité à une couverture publique pour les médicaments anti-hépatite C qui sont en train de changer la vie des personnes atteintes, y compris Epclusa, Zepatier, daclatasvir et asunaprévir. Pour la première fois, ces médicaments seront accessibles aux personnes ayant des scores de fibrose plus bas (plus le score de fibrose est élevé, plus il y a de cicatrices dans le foie causées par la maladie, c’est-à-dire la cirrhose.)[i]  

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