Tag: HIV

Listening to communities: Lessons from the HIV/AIDS and monkeypox epidemics

Just over 40 years ago, clinicians recognized a rare form of pneumonia in a handful of otherwise healthy young men in Los Angeles. This cluster would soon become known as the “start” of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. In 2022, clinicians in sexual health clinics in Montreal reported the first cases of monkeypox in Canada. In both instances, however, affected communities were the first to know that something was up. In the years before HIV was identified, people who inject drugs talked of “junkie pneumonia” or “the dwindles”. Later, these were identified as AIDS-related complications. Early in our current global monkeypox outbreak, members...

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If you build it, they will come: Creating an HIV and hepatitis C virtual classroom for Saskatchewan primary care providers

Saskatchewan Infectious Disease Care Network (SIDCN) is a non-profit organization created and directed by HIV and hepatitis C physician specialists. In addition to providing HIV and hepatitis C patient care and research projects, SIDCN administered a four-year continuing medical education program known as the HIV/HCV Primary Care Capacity Improvement Project. This project was funded using two consecutive two-year harm reduction fund grants from the Public Health Agency of Canada. 

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AIDS 2022 in Montreal: Will Canada’s HIV response hold up against scrutiny?

In a few weeks, the world is invited to Montreal for AIDS 2022, the 24th International AIDS Conference.  At this time of writing, no public announcement has been made as to which of Canada’s dignitaries will be present. The last time this conference was held in Canada was 2006, in Toronto. The absence of our then prime minister, as well as the previous federal government’s abysmal record on HIV policy issues such as harm reduction, became an embarrassment for Canada on an international stage.

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Navigating the sixth wave of COVID-19 as a person living with HIV

As a person living with HIV, I receive regular calls and messages from my peers with COVID-19 questions: “When I visit my family, should I wear a mask?” “Should I get a fourth shot, and when?” “How can mask mandates be lifted when we are in a sixth wave?”.

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